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Communication without a methodical approach is like flying blind

Behind our quality lies the H3 method. It stands for three different areas of excellence: Head (strategy), Heart (creativity), and Hand (implementation).



We work on the basis of facts (research based PR). We approach problems through consistent research. We inquire until we fully understand. At the same time we bring independence and interdisciplinary knowledge to the table, while keeping an eye on the big picture. On this strategic level we offer our clients comprehensive consultancy, including workshop components or audits. We keep a critical distance to be able to develop viable communications strategies.



In structured brainstormings (H3 Create) we develop extraordinary ideas and campaign platforms. Through the development of differentiating messaging, visualization and effective channeling we strive at connecting product, sender and recipient. We want to touch, to ground. We link the ideas with the key performance indicators in concrete action plans.



Excellent implementation, backed by our systems and internal processes, ensures that we bring strong strategies and ideas to life. The management of our projects and campaigns are controlled by means of clear goals and performance targets, budgets and milestones. Standardized and non-bureaucratic reporting as well as transparent budget tracking ensure that project management is transparent.

H3 Create

Strong ideas with a method

Every idea is a remix. That's why H3 Create includes 20 creative tools with more than 500 stimuli for inspiration: target group insights, brand attributes, inspiring activities, touchpoints and channels, concepts for language style and visual language. H3 Create sessions are flexibly scalable, from half-day brainstorming to offsite sessions lasting several days.

In structured sessions with your team we will devise, within the five phases, creative activities to overcome your challenge.

Discover more about our creative method H3 Create. Daniel J. Hanke is ready to plan your creative session for you and your team.

H3 Create

Creativity with head, heart and hand. Our H3 Create sessions and tools are divided into five phases.


We shed light on topics and target groups through a variety of perspectives and unexpected approaches.


We condense the collected stimuli and establish priorities, thus determining how we can further develop the ideas.


With fast-paced brainstorming tools, we can generate a multitude of ideas and select the most promising approaches.


We create our best ideas quickly and pragmatically as prototypes.


We gather feedback on our prototypes and optimise them in the shortest possible time.

Datengesteuerte Kommunikation

Mit Hirn, Herz und Hand das Nutzererlebnis verbessern.​

Datengesteuerte Kommunikation mit Hirn, Herz und Hand verbessert das Nutzererlebnis, systematisch und messbar: ​

  • Durch eine Nutzerdatenanalyse auf allen Kanälen lassen sich die Bedürfnisse der Zielgruppe fortlaufend berücksichtigen und für eine individuelle Ansprache nutzen (Hirn).​
  • Eine kanalübergreifende Story schafft Zusammenhang, Sinn, Verständnis und emotionale Bindung (Herz).​
  • Werden Daten und Story kontinuierlich abgeglichen und optimiert, dann entsteht die größte Wirkung (Hand).

Hirn, Herz, Hand - Impact

Wollen Sie mehr über unsere Methode für datengesteuerte Kommunikation erfahren? Hier können Sie ein Whitepaper herunterladen.

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