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Executive Communications

Who's got nothing to say is no leader.

Everyone’s watching. Everyone’s listening. There are extremely high expectations in terms of availability, depth of knowledge, breadth of horizon, sharpness of opinion, decisiveness, and sense of purpose. This enormous pressure compels top managers to systematically analyze and strategically plan their individual and collective leadership communication.

We assist managers in addressing the following questions: How can I communicate in a way that people are optimally aligned with the company? And with my success? How should I communicate in my (new) position, my (new) project, my (new) topics? What are "my" topics?

The goal is efficient communication for the purpose of effective leadership. Because one thing is certain: If you lack meaningful content to share and you don't convey it effectively, you're not exhibiting leadership. At least not in a well-received manner.

3 Daniel J  Hanke

Daniel J. Hanke

Board & Partner

More about Executive Communications?


Phone+49 89 47 02 771-10

„Executives must take up a strong position. Their communication is critical for success.“ 

Daniel J. Hanke

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